Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Project E (II)

How would you describe the program music? 
It is the one whose fundamental elements is music. In it, indications of the station are interspersed with the presentation and audition of musical themes. They can be done in one or two voices, although the most advisable thing is that each speaker presents different song. 

Edvard Hagerup Grieg, Bergen; 1843- 1907 
Norwegian composer considered the main representative of nationalist music in his country. Edvard Grieg he began his musical training with his mother, Gesine Judith Grieg, who was a pianist and had studied with Albert Methfessel in Hamburg. In 1858 an important event took place for the musical formation of the Norwegian composer, a friend of the Grieg, the composer and the violinist Ole Bull, made a visit in the course of which he heard the young Edvard play the piano. He was so impressed that he convinced his parents to send him to atudy at the Leipzig Conservatory.

Do you believe the composer transmits the title meaning in a good manner?
Yes because the song is very nice and beautiful

Monday, 26 November 2018

Blowin in the wind

How many times you must  read 
Before you understand a thing
How many trainings do you have to do 
Before winning a match 
How many hours will you have to study 
Before you pass an exam 
How much music will you have to listen 
Before you create a song 
How long will you have to walk 
Before  you cross the finish line 
How much time will you have to dedicate 
Before you reach your dream  

Friday, 23 November 2018

Theorical exercises first evaluation

1. What is strength as basic physical ability?.   Explain them and give an example of each of them.
Physical ability to perform a job or a movement. The muscular strength, the force of the wind, the strength to lift a stone. 
How many types of strength are there?

Resultado de imagen de imagenes de fuerza maxima Maxium strength: maxium strength is the force greater than a group of muscles can exert by means of a vocabulary contraction. In particular, it is the largest weight that a person can move in a single movement. 
Resultado de imagen de imagen de fuerza explosiva

Explosive strength: It is a manifestation of the force that is based on generating as much force as possible in the shortest time without losing efficiency. For this reason this type of force is predominant in most team sports and in some of the individual sports modalities.
Resultado de imagen de imagenes de fuerza de resistencia

Endurance strength: Ability to maintain a force at a constant level during a certain period of time, or training. It is classified as anisometric force, since the muscle has movement when the resistance is overcome.

2 What is flexibility as basic physical capacity? 
The ability to bend the body easily and safely. 
What factors does flexibility depend on? 
The flexibility depend on 

  1. Muscular elasticity: capacity for muscle enlargement and recovery of the initial position. 
  2. Joint mobility: Maximum degree of movement of each joint.

3 What is endurance as basic physical ability? 
Physical resistance is one of the four basic physical abilities, particularly one that allows us to carry out an activity or effort for as long as possible. One of the most commonly used definitions is the physical capacity of a body to withstand external resistance for a certain time.
How many types of endurance are there? 
There are two types of resistance, aerobic resistance and anaerobic resistance. Aerobic resistance would be that which aims to withstand and resist the physical requirement to again oxygen, while anaerobic resistance is conditioned by an insufficient supply of oxygen to
the muscles.
How can I improve my endurance?
To obtain information about the practice and the application, it is also important to have a good resistance. To improve the physical resistance will help us to be in optimal conditions to practice any sport or, even, be more prepared to face the daily activity.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Vocabulary of music

  1.  Staff: pentagrama
  2.  Treble clef: clave de sol
  3.  Recorder: flauta dulce
  4.  Note: nota
  5.  Rest: silencio (como símbolo de pentagrama)
  6.  Silence: silencio (en general)
  7.  Whole note: redonda
  8.  Half note: blanca 
  9.  Quarter note: negra 
  10.  Eight note: corchea
  11.  Tone: tono 
  12.  Accidentals: alteraciones
  13.  Flat: bemol
  14.  Guitar: guitarra 
  15.  Fret: traste
  16.  Interval: intervalo
  17.  Ascending: ascendente 
  18.  Play: tocar
  19.  Noise: ruido
  20.  Pitch: altura
  21.  High-pitched: agudo 
  22.  Low- pitched: grave
  23.  Melody: melodía 
  24.  Duration: duración 
  25.  Long: largo
  26.  Short: corto
  27.  Choir: coro
  28.  Chord: acorde
  29.  Semitone: semitono
  30.  Sharp: sostenido 
  31.  Keyboard: teclado
  32.  String: cuerda
  33.  Bass: bajo
  34.  Descending: descendente 
  35.  Major scale: escala mayor

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Questions of to begin with part I

-Does sadness or melancholy belong to music? 
A song can be sad, some topics aren't happy, for example: death of a family member. 
This song is good to think about some things and to relax.
-Or must music always make you feel happy or glad?
Not always happy if I hear happy music all the day I don't relax.
This type of music is good to do homework and for my body not to stay off all day.

Monday, 5 November 2018