Wednesday 11 December 2019


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proyect australia

Sunday 1 December 2019



  • Saint Patrick´s Day party: it is the day of the biggest national holiday in the country where everything is dressed in green and the patron day of Ireland is celebrated in style. Thousands of visitors flock to the island to celebrate with the locals the biggest national holiday. 
  • Hallowen: it was the Celtic New Year. This festival began when the Celts in Ireland honored Saman or the Lord of the Dead. It is currently what is called Halloween celebrated in many other countries of the world. Children dress in costumes and masks and carry lanterns lit from house to house to receive treats or play a trick. The flashlights they carry are often made of turnips with scary faces and candles inside. pumpkin lanterns are also used at the party. 
  • Summer day: it is first and foremost a festival of Celtic fire, which represents the middle of sumer, and the shortening of the days in its progressive winter march. San Juan is traditionally celebrated on any of June 23 or 24, although the longest day actually falls on June 21.
The republic of Ireland is a state of Western Europe, which occupies five-sixths of the island of Ireland in the North Atlantic, west of the island of Great Britian. It borders the United Kingdom to the north, the Irish Sea to the east and the North Atlantic to the west. The ocean is responsible for the cropped western coastline, along with the many isloands, peninsulas and bays. 

Friday 29 November 2019


1 What can I do that I couldn't do before?
I can pay atention because the class is more quiet than last year. I can be more responsible at the time to do the homework.
2 What do I like most?
I like to watch films because I learn some new vocabulary.
3 What do I do well?
I speak English very well.
4 What am I confused about?
I´m confused about the pronunciation of some words.
5 What do I need help with?
I need help with some vocabulary, and with the listenings that we do in class. 
6 What do I do in English outside the class?
I go to English class with a particular teacher. And I watch  some videos in English. 
7 What do I need to improve?
I need to improve my translation and the listening activities.
8 What did I learn about culture?
I learn about New Zealand, about Ireland and Australia. 

Tuesday 26 November 2019


Income: the money that a film director wins for the film that he makes 
Just in time: when you do something that you don´t have a lot of time to do 
Critic: it is a review made by a professional
Hit: when a book or a film becomes famous 
Plot: the events that make the story of a film 
Review: when a profesional gives a personal opinion about a fim or a book. 
Gift: when you make a party and the people you invited give you some things.
Joke: when a person tells you a funny thing.
Live: when you watch a show in first person.
Performer: a person who participates in a show 
Tale: a story that is told since a long time.  
A bit: not much
Fairly: not very much
Pretty: a sinonim of fairly 

Friday 22 November 2019


Compulsory: something that you have to do 
Unacceptable: the antonym of acceptable 
Unfamiliar:  an object or a perosn that you don´t know 
To feel at home: to be in another house and feel comfortable 
To feel homesick: that you miss your home. 
Confident: a person that believes in themselves
Achievement: something that you get when you do something 
Awful: something unpleasant.
Dreadful: something that is terrible
Understandable: something that you understand 
What a pity: something that you say when you feel sad about a situation
What a shame: something tahta say when you feel bad for a perosn who did something 

Thursday 24 October 2019


How does Australia´s history begin? 
when Europeans arrived in Australia territory and colonized it, nearly 1.000.000 Aboriginal people lived in the territory and engaged in hunting and agriculture. 
During the 17th century several explorers arrived on the coast of Australia, using the territory as a prision for prisioners from Britian. 
From restrictions on migration to oponnes to the whole world: 
in 1901 the nation of  Australia, composed of six states, was formed. Initially a law called White Australia Policy was passed, which aimed to restrict entry into the country to people from Europe. Over time, Australia has become the destination and home of people from all over the world. 

Aboriginal Australians are, along with Torres Strait Islanders, the descendants of the first inhabitants of the Australian country and its adjacent islands, and have continued to live there throughout European colonization. Under Australian law, both peoples make up all of the indigenous Australians. The traditional territory of Aboriginal Australians extends throughout Australia, Tasmania and some nearby islands.  

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Monday 10 June 2019


Chase: perseguir
Fight back: defenderse
Run away: escapar
Stand still: quedarse quieto 
Sting: picar (abejas)
Pain: dolor
Prey: presa
Afraid: tener miedo (asustado)
Brave: valiente
Clever: listo
Mean: malo
Polite: educado
Rude: borde
Shy: t铆mido
Worried: preocupado
Flood: inundaci贸n
Footpath: sendero
Mainland: tierra firme
Tide: marea
Branches: ramas 
Roots: ra铆ces 
Argue: discutir 
Argument: discutir
Discuss: comentar sobre un tema 

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Monday 27 May 2019


Elderly:  mayor 
Leave home: marcharse de casa 
Teenager:  edad desde los 12 hasta los 20 a帽os 
Toddler: ni帽ito
Middle-aged: de mediana edad 
Move house: mudarse de casa 
Baby: beb茅
Buy a house: comprar una casa 
Young adult: adulto joven 

Monday 20 May 2019

Wednesday 8 May 2019


BYU Mascot Cosmo the Cougar - In my Feelings

Is the name of the sports teams of Brigham Young University, located in Provo, in the state of Utah. The teams of the Cougars participate in university competitions organized by the NCAA, except in men´s soccer, a team that competes in a non-university league, the Premier Development League. In the NCAA they are part of the West Coast Conference, except in gymnastics, which is part of the Mountain Rim Gymnastics Conference, in American football, which is independent, and in swimming, athletics and men´s volleyball, which belong to the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation.

BYU Cougarettes. THe BYU Cougarettes are a pom and dance team for Brigham Young University, in Provo, Utah. They perform at athletic events on the BYU campus and compete in national events in various genres including jazz and hip-hop.

The music is a remix.

  • American football 

The Cougars football team was created in 1922. It was proclaimed champion of the NCAA in 1984, and also has won 22 conference titles, participating in 25 bowls, winning 8, including the Cotton Bowl in 1996

  • Basketball
The men´s basketball team was founded in 1909, and has since won 26 conference titles, appearing in the NCAA finals 22 times, the last in 2007. From their ranks have come players like Danny Ainge, Greg Kite, Shawn Bradley, Steve Trumbo, Michael Smith, Jimmer Fredette or the Brazilian RAfael Ara煤jo, currently in the ranks of the Utah Jazz of the NBA. A total of 19 players from the Mormon university have stepped into the professional league in all of history. 

  • Female football 
The women´s football team is an official team (varsity) of BUY, but the men´s team never has been. The women´s team was also a student club team that competed in the Westren National Collegiate Club Soccer Association (NCCSA), until 1995, when it became an official varsity team and became part of the NCAA. Since then they have won 8 conference championships and have participated in the NCAA postseason final round 15 times. 

  • Male football 
The men´s team was cretaed in 1980 as a student club and they have been national champions of university clubs (National Intramural and Recreational Sports Association) on 8 occasions ( 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2001). In 2003 they decided to leave the university league of clubs, becoming the first university in the United States to compete with a football team in one of the competitions organized by US Soccer, the Premier Development League. 

  • Others sports
Lacrosse: currently the team is in the Top-5 nationwide, having won the NCAA title on 2 occasions.

Cross: 4 times NCAA champions, the last one in 2002.

Volleyball: champions 3 times 

Friday 26 April 2019




1. What can I do that I couldn´t do before?
I can participate more in music classes and pay attention.
2. What do I like most?
What I like most is that the classes are more entertaining and not so boring. 
3. What do I do well?
I am quiet
4. What am I confused about?
I am not confused about anything  
5. What do I need help with?
I need help to play the recorder 
6. What do I do in English and/or music outside the class? 
I practise English with a tutor and I listen to music in English 
7. What do I need to improve?
I need to be tidier
8. What did I learn about culture?
I learned about Bob Dylan

Wednesday 24 April 2019


Genre: g茅nero.
Folk music: m煤sica folcl贸rica.
World music: m煤sicas del mundo.         
Popular music: m煤sica popular. 
Vinyl record: disco de vinilo.
Sacred music: m煤sica sacra.
Dance music: m煤sica de danza.
Soundtrack: banda sonora.
Choreography: coreograf铆a.
Ballet: ballet.
Stage: escenario.
Improvisation: improvisaci贸n.
Flamenco: flamenco.
Synthesizer: sintetizador.
Middle Ages: Edad Media.
Anacrusis note: nota anacr煤sica.
Fret: traste.
Gregorian chant: canto gregoriano.
Opera: 贸pera.
Program music: m煤sica program谩tica.
Gothic Rock: Rock G贸tico.
New Wave: "nueva ola".
Symphony: sinfon铆a.
Mass: misa.
Consonance: consonancia.
Dissonance: disonancia.
Theme: tema musical (principal).
Stress: acento. 
Reed: leng眉eta.
Polyphony: polifon铆a. 

Wednesday 10 April 2019


Astronomer: astr贸nomo
Events organizer: organizador de eventos
Film producer: productor de pel铆culas 
Firefighter: bombero 
Florist: floristero 
Pilot: piloto
Veterinary nurse: veterinario
Yoga instructor: profesor de yoga
Radio DJ: DJ

Monday 8 April 2019


  1. Aston Villa Football Club started in 1888.
  2. Aston Villa Football Club haven´t won a big championship for 25 years.
  3. He has been at Aston Villa since he was 11 years old. 
  4. His ambition is to play for his country in the world cup.
  5. I might meet some of the players.
  6. If the players don´t play well, the fans will be annoyed.
  7. I have been to a lot of football matches all over the country.
  8. The best game I have ever seen was when Villa beat Fulham.
  9. If we play better next season we will win the championship, said a fan.   

Wednesday 3 April 2019



  • Anthem: himno
  • Brave: valiente
  • Bride: novia
  • Chief advisor:  consejero jefe
  • Embarrassed: avergonzado
  • Fair: justo
  • Ground: suelo
  • Lift: levantar
  • Luxurious: lujoso
  • Perform: actuar
  • Proud: orgulloso
  • Speech: discurso
  • Swing: blandir (espada)
  • Wrestling: lucha libre 


  1. Affair: asunto
  2. Badly injured: gravemente herido
  3. Bury: enterrar 
  4. Casket: ata煤d
  5. Foreign minister: ministro de asuntos exteriores
  6. Guest: invitado
  7. Lead: dar indicaciones/ guiar
  8. Pain: dolor
  9. To be over: estar acabado 
  10. Trust: confiar
  11. Wooden: hecho de madera 

Thursday 28 March 2019



  • What can I do now that I couldn't do before?

I can participate more in class

  • What do I like most?

I like watching movies in English to learn how to make better listenings

  • What do I do well?

I am  quiet in class and I don´t bother the teacher when she is teaching

  • What am I confused about?

Some days I do not pay attention and I get lost a lot in exams

  • What do I need help with?

I need help in Reading, Listening and Writing

  • What do I do in English outside the class?

I learn with a private teacher who teaches me a little more and I upload things to the blog

  • What do I need to improve?

I need to get better grades in the exams and upload the blog more often

  • What did I learn about culture?

I learned about the traditions of St Patrick's day 

Monday 25 March 2019


Unit 3 

  1. Chest: Pecho
  2. Knee: Rodilla
  3. Skin: Piel
  4. Thumb: Pulgar
  5. Wrist: Mu帽eca
  6. Fit: Estar en forma
  7. Unfit: No estar en forma 
  8. Weak: D茅bil
  9. Eco-friendly: Ecol贸gico
  10. Environment: Medio Ambiente
  11. Greenhouse gas: Gas de efecto invernadero
  12. Grow: Cultivar
  13. Run out: Quedarse sin ...

Unit 4 

  1. Cash: Dinero en efectivo
  2. Earn: Ganar dinero
  3. Prize money: Premio en efectivo 
  4. Annoyed: Molesto
  5. Messy: Desordenado
  6. Pleased: Satisfecho
  7. Climb up: Trepar
  8. Crawl under: Arrastrarse por debajo 
  9. Hop onto: Dar saltitos
  10. Jump over: Saltar por encima de...
  11. Swim through: Cruzar nadando

Wednesday 6 March 2019


  • For breakfast I eat: 
Milk with cookies and a apple 
  • For lunch: 
    •  Main course 
Spaghetti with tomato
    •  Second course 
Chicken breast fillets 
    •  Dessert
Strawberry milkshake 
  • For snack:
A apple, strawberry with sugar
  • For dinner
Fried eggs with tomato

We can see that I eat healthy, and after dessert I always eat fruit, because the fruit strengthens my muscles.
What I would do to make my diet healthier would be to eat less sugar things like strawberry milkshake, and eat more protein, bone, more steaks.

Monday 18 February 2019


Phrases with Will:
  • What clothes people wear at the end of this century.
  • I think he will pass all this exams.
Phrases with Be Going To:
  • He is going to have an accident. 
  • I am going to save this money. 


Musical meaning: significado musical
Rhythm: ritmo
Dot: puntillo
Drums: bater铆a
Bar: comp谩s (el espacio del pentagrama)
Time signature: comp谩s (la fracci贸n n煤merica)
Tempo: ´´tempo``
Chordophone: cord贸fono
Sprint: cuerda
Rub: frotar
Guitar pica: p煤a
Violoncello: violonchelo
Tuning peg: clavija
Brass: viento metal
Mouthpiece: boquilla
Oboe: oboe
Trumpet: trompeta
Percusi贸n: percusi贸n
Soprano: soprano
Tenor: tenor
Grand piano: piano ´´de cola``
Ligature: ligadura
Snare drum: caja
Clap: palmada
Orchestra: orquesta
Conductor: director
Ensemble: formaci贸n musical
Aerophone: aer贸fono
Bow: arco
Pluck: pulsa, puntear
Viola: viola
Double bass: contrabajo
Harp: arpa
Woodwind: viento madera
Saxophone: saxof贸n
Clarinet: clarinete
French horn: trompa
Amplifier:  amplificador
Mezzo-soprano: mezzo-soprano
Baritone: bar铆tono
Kettle drum: timbal

Monday 14 January 2019

Second Term

My New Year's Resolutions

Travel more 
Read more 

Spend more time with my family